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Specific reasons for the damage mechanism of refractory materials in submerged arc furnaces

1. If the working end of the electrode is too long for a long time, it will have a significant impact on the refractory material at the bottom of the submerged arc furnace. Because the electrode length exceeds a reasonable range, the pressure and heat endured by the furnace bottom refractory material increase significantly, resulting in a large amount of consumption. This consumption not only accelerates the aging and damage of refractory materials, but may also cause more serious problems.

Specifically, the furnace bottom temperature may rise abnormally due to excessively long electrodes, which will have a negative impact on the furnace environment and the performance of the refractory materials. What's more serious is that long-term overheating and excessive consumption of refractory materials may increase the risk of furnace bottom burnout, thus threatening the safe operation of the entire submerged arc furnace.

Therefore, we must strictly control the length of the electrode and ensure that it is within a reasonable range to reduce the pressure on the furnace bottom refractory material and reduce the consumption rate, thereby maintaining the stability and safety of the submerged arc furnace. This requires us to maintain a high degree of vigilance during operation and adjust the electrode length in time to cope with various situations that may arise.

2. The long-term shortage of the electrode working end of the submerged arc furnace will cause a series of serious problems. Due to the insufficient length of the electrode, the high-temperature zone moves upward, causing the temperature of the furnace wall in the high-temperature zone close to the electrode to rise abnormally. This temperature abnormality not only poses a serious threat to the furnace wall materials, but may also destroy the heat balance in the furnace and affect the overall operating efficiency of the submerged arc furnace.

What's more serious is that the structural strength of the severely scoured area around the furnace taphole will gradually decrease due to long-term erosion by high temperatures and metal melt flow. Once this situation continues, it is easy to cause the consequences of burning through the iron slag. Such accidents not only disrupt production but may also pose a threat to operator safety.

Therefore, we must strictly control the length of the electrode working end to ensure that it is in optimal working condition. At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly inspect and maintain the furnace walls and tapholes to discover and resolve potential safety hazards in a timely manner. Only in this way can the safe and stable operation of the submerged arc furnace be ensured and production efficiency improved.

3. The selection of submerged thermal furnace slag type is very important. If the selection is unreasonable, it will have a significant impact on the furnace body. Especially when the alkalinity control fails to meet the specified requirements, it will cause serious overheating of molten iron. In this case, the furnace body will suffer strong chemical erosion, and the refractory material will also be seriously damaged. This not only affects the service life of the furnace body, but may also pose a potential threat to production efficiency and safety.

In order to ensure the stable operation of the submerged arc furnace and extend its service life, we must carefully select the slag type and strictly control the alkalinity. Through scientific and reasonable operation and management, we can effectively reduce the risk of chemical erosion and protect the furnace body and refractory materials, thereby ensuring the efficient and safe operation of the submerged arc furnace.

4. When the submerged arc furnace is restarted after a long-term shutdown, the furnace body is prone to expansion and cracking. This is because the furnace body cools and shrinks during shutdown, and when reheated, the material expands due to temperature changes, thus generating stress. If this stress exceeds the bearing capacity of the material, it will cause cracking. Especially when the furnace is frequently started and stopped, the cracking phenomenon of the furnace steel plate due to temperature changes will be more obvious.

This kind of cracking not only affects the structural integrity of the furnace body, but may also have a serious impact on the thermal process and operating safety in the furnace. Therefore, when the submerged arc furnace is started after a long shutdown or when the furnace is frequently started and stopped, it is necessary to pay close attention to the status of the furnace body. Once cracking is found, professional repairs should be carried out in time to ensure the safety and stable operation of the furnace body.

In addition, in order to reduce the risk of furnace cracking, it is recommended to take a series of preventive measures, such as optimizing the furnace structure design, selecting high-quality heat-resistant materials, and controlling the temperature change rate. The implementation of these measures can effectively improve the durability and safety of submerged arc furnaces and provide a strong guarantee for the company's continued and stable production.

5. Oxygen blowing and eye-opening operations cause considerable losses to the furnace eye and furnace wall. This is a problem that cannot be ignored. Under high temperature conditions, both carbon bricks and magnesia bricks are prone to oxidation reactions with oxygen. This reaction not only results in a loss of refractory material but also damages the structural integrity of the furnace walls.

In addition, the false furnace wall formed after the oxidation reaction does not provide effective protection, but may accelerate the deterioration of the submerged arc furnace body. This is because the structure of the false furnace wall is loose and easily eroded by high-temperature gas and slag in the furnace, thereby further damaging the refractory material of the furnace body.

Therefore, when performing oxygen blowing and eye opening operations, we need to be extra careful to minimize the loss of the furnace eye and furnace wall. At the same time, the furnace body also needs to be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure that it is in good working condition. Only in this way can the service life of the submerged arc furnace be extended and production efficiency improved.

6. Water leakage in the submerged arc furnace body and serious excessive moisture content in the materials are issues that require great attention. When this moisture enters the furnace, although part of the moisture will evaporate due to high temperature, the remaining part will decompose at high temperature to generate oxygen. This generated oxygen is corrosive and will cause damage to the furnace wall, thereby affecting the service life and safety performance of the furnace body.

Therefore, we need to take a series of measures to deal with this problem. First of all, the furnace body should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure that the furnace body does not leak. Secondly, the moisture content of materials must be strictly controlled to avoid excessive moisture content. Through these measures, we can effectively reduce the erosion of oxygen on the furnace wall, extend the service life of the submerged arc furnace, and ensure the safety and stability of the production process.

7. During the operation of the submerged arc furnace, once it reaches the Tayman temperature, specific corrosion phenomena will occur. In particular, the working layer magnesia bricks that are in direct contact with high-carbon ferrochrome and slag will face more severe challenges. In high-temperature environments, these magnesia bricks not only have to withstand the chemical erosion of molten iron and slag, but also resist mechanical impact, which leads to significant changes in their composition and mineral composition. It is worth noting that although the reaction temperature of magnesia brick has not yet reached its melting point, diffusion has begun to occur, which further accelerates its loss process. Therefore, great attention needs to be paid to the maintenance of submerged arc furnaces and the replacement of magnesia bricks to ensure the stable operation of the furnace body and extend its service life.