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Refractory brick masonry process of coke oven regenerator (flue, wall bricks, checker bricks, grate bricks)

In the coking industry, coke oven is one of the key equipment, and regenerator is an important part of coke oven. The refractory brick masonry work of regenerator is crucial to ensure the normal operation and service life of coke oven. Today, let's take a detailed look at the masonry process of refractory bricks in coke oven regenerator, including the masonry of flue, wall bricks, checker bricks and grate bricks.


Laying of sliding layer in coke oven regenerator

The construction of sliding layer in coke oven regenerator is a delicate and critical task, which is related to the stability and service life of the entire coke oven. Before starting to lay, we must first carefully build the foundation platform and make detailed adjustments and corrections to the resistance wall to ensure that it is strong and meets the standards. Only after all this is ready can we start to lay the sliding layer.

When we choose to use river sand to lay the sliding layer, we need to pay special attention to the laying quality of river sand. The river sand must be laid flat and evenly on the base platform, ensuring that the thickness is consistent everywhere. This is to provide a solid foundation for the subsequent refractory brick masonry.

Between the refractory brick and the river sand sliding layer, we need to lay a layer of petroleum asphalt felt. This step is crucial because it can effectively prevent direct contact between the refractory brick and the sliding layer, thereby reducing friction and wear and extending the service life of the coke oven.

If we choose to use a thin steel plate as the sliding layer, the construction requirements will be more stringent. First, the sliding layer must be laid once before bricklaying to ensure its integrity and stability. Before laying, we need to evenly apply a layer of yellow dry oil on the bottom of the steel plate, which can reduce the friction between the steel plate and the base platform.

When the steel plate is laid and passed the inspection, we also need to apply a thin layer of yellow dry oil on the surface of the steel plate. Subsequently, a layer of petroleum asphalt felt is laid to further enhance the protective effect of the sliding layer. After this series of work is completed, we can proceed with the masonry of refractory bricks.

In addition, the oily mud generated during the construction process is strictly prohibited from being recycled. This is because oil pollution may affect the adhesion and fire resistance of the mud, and then affect the quality and safety of the entire coke oven. Therefore, we must strictly abide by this regulation to ensure the quality of construction is foolproof.


Bricklaying process of small flue and regenerator wall of coke oven regenerator

The masonry work of small flue and regenerator wall of coke oven regenerator is a project that requires exquisite skills and rigorous attitude. Before masonry of small flue, we must first accurately mark the width edge of each wall according to the center line of the combustion chamber. At the same time, in order to ensure the flatness of each layer of bricks, we also need to clearly mark the layer height line of each brick layer on the vertical benchmark. Of course, the method of measuring and laying out the lines by wall can also be used for masonry, which can also ensure the accuracy of masonry.

When we start to lay the first layer of small flue, we should pay special attention to the importance of pre-laying dry swing. After checking that the width of the reserved expansion joint is qualified, we can lay out the lines and start to lay the main wall of the small flue. The rigor of this step is directly related to the stability and safety of the entire coke oven regenerator.

When laying the furnace head position, we need to lay several layers of bricks at one time and make stepped retreats in the wall. The purpose of this is to prevent the furnace head from shifting on the sliding layer and ensure the stability of the furnace head.

During the masonry process, we will verify the horizontal and vertical degree of the masonry according to the center line many times. This is to prevent the furnace wall from twisting and ensure the accuracy and aesthetics of the entire masonry project.

At the same time, we must maintain a cautious attitude during the masonry process. The furnace head position is a key part of the entire project and no collision is allowed. When handing over the shift, we will first check whether the furnace head position has been moved and make adjustments in time to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

Finally, we will check the straightness of the masonry wall at any time to ensure that each brick fits tightly. After the small flue wall is completed, we will also check the brick layer elevation and gradually level it, striving to achieve excellence. The entire masonry process reflects our strict control of project quality and pursuit of professionalism.


Coke oven regenerator lining brick and grate brick masonry process

The masonry of the lining brick and grate brick of the coke oven regenerator is a process that requires meticulousness and professional skills. First, we will start with the center partition wall. Once this part of the work is completed and the construction area is cleaned, we will start to lay the lining bricks. In this process, we will follow the masonry sequence of expanding from the center to both sides to ensure the stability and integrity of the structure.

During the bricklaying process, we will lay yellow cardboard in appropriate positions, which will not only help protect the completed brick surface, but also facilitate the subsequent masonry work. After the lining bricks are laid, we will use wooden supports to fix them to ensure that the width of the expansion joint between the lining bricks and the furnace wall remains unchanged during the masonry process.

After completing the masonry of the lining bricks, we will thoroughly clean the bottom and wall of the small flue to ensure that there are no impurities. Next, a layer of clean sawdust with a thickness of 10 to 15 mm is laid at the bottom of the small flue, which will help absorb any excess moisture that may be generated and keep the overall structure dry. Then, we will lay the grate bricks layer by layer from the center to both sides. During this process, we will clean the refractory slurry squeezed out of the brick layers and brick joints at any time to keep the overall cleanliness and beauty.

When laying grate bricks with holes, we will strictly check their apertures, and only qualified grate bricks will be used for masonry. For the grate bricks of air and gas regenerators, we will first carry out pre-laying dry laying to ensure that the brick joints are in line before carrying out formal masonry work.

During the masonry process, we will also use a wooden ruler to check the straightness of the grate brick legs to ensure that the gap error is within the construction requirements. This step is crucial to ensure the stability and performance of the entire regenerator.

Finally, when the grate brick masonry work is completed, we will clean the expansion joints again and conduct strict inspections. Once the inspection is qualified, we will lay wooden protective plates on the grate bricks to protect the brick surface from damage. At the same time, we will ensure that the gap between the protective plate and the wall does not exceed 15 mm to maintain the tightness and stability of the entire structure.


Coke oven regenerator wall brick laying process

Coke oven regenerator wall brick laying is a process that combines precision and craftsmanship. First, we must strictly follow the design drawings to select matching refractory slurry for each masonry. When the material of the refractory slurry needs to be changed, we must ensure that the preparation utensils are thoroughly clean to prevent the mixing of materials from affecting the performance of the slurry.

The starting point of the masonry is to accurately locate and lay the first gas pipe brick based on the elevation mark of the gas pipe brick, starting from both sides of the furnace head. Then, we will pull up the reference line to ensure that each gas pipe brick can be laid accurately in its place.

During the masonry process, we will use a special mark plate to calibrate the center distance between the gas pipe bricks. The length of this mark plate must be at least more than half of the furnace length to ensure the accuracy of the calibration. At the same time, the vertical center line, front line of the coke oven, and the center position of each gas pipe will be clearly marked on the mark plate. This design allows us to easily check and adjust the flatness of the masonry after laying two layers of bricks.

The mortar joints of the gas pipe bricks must be filled with refractory slurry to ensure their fire resistance. At the same time, we must pay special attention to the fact that the refractory slurry that enters the pipe brick hole must be removed in time to keep the gas pipe bricks unobstructed. At the end of each day's work, we will thoroughly clean the gas pipe bricks from top to bottom to ensure that they are always unobstructed.

During the masonry process, we will check the masonry position of the gas pipe bricks at any time to ensure its accuracy. At the same time, when laying the heat storage chamber wall bricks, we will be extra careful to avoid any collision or twisting of the gas pipe bricks.

When the main single wall is built to a certain height (usually no more than 1.2 meters), we will start the masonry of the central partition wall. In this process, we will strictly follow the construction design requirements, reserve expansion joints and sliding joints, and fill them with refractory slurry to make them full and dense.

Finally, we will constantly check the elevation between the main wall of the heat storage chamber and the adjacent single wall, as well as between the main wall and the adjacent main wall, to ensure that they are always consistent. Such meticulous work not only ensures the quality of the brick masonry of the coke oven heat storage chamber wall, but also lays a solid foundation for the stable operation of the entire coke oven.


Coke oven heat storage chamber checker brick masonry process

After the furnace body masonry is successfully completed, we will carry out meticulous air blowing and cleaning to ensure that there is no dust in the secondary grooves on the top of the heat storage chamber. At the same time, in order to accurately lay the checker bricks in the subsequent masonry, we will clearly mark the control line between the central partition wall and the sealing wall on the wall of the heat storage chamber.

The next step is to pre-treat the checker bricks to be laid. We will use compressed air to blow each checker brick clean, laying a good foundation for the subsequent masonry work.

When laying the first layer of checker bricks, we will be particularly cautious. During the dry-laying process, we must not only ensure that the checker bricks are placed accurately, but also check their stability. Only when both aspects meet the standards will we continue to lay the next layer of checker bricks.

Starting from the second layer, we will use a special masonry method - step-back dry-laying from the center partition wall to the furnace head. This method not only ensures the neatness and beauty of the masonry, but also effectively improves the overall stability.

During the entire masonry process, we will frequently check whether the grid holes of each layer of checker bricks are unobstructed and whether the upper and lower layers of checker bricks are aligned. This is a key step to ensure the performance of the coke oven regenerator, and we dare not slack off.

In order to maintain the gap width and stability between the checker bricks and the regenerator wall, we will cleverly use yellow cardboard as padding. It should be emphasized that we will never use non-flammable materials as padding to ensure the safety of the entire system.

When the checker bricks of each regenerator are laid according to the above standards and strictly inspected, we will start to lay the sealing wall of the regenerator. The completion of this step marks the end of the whole heat storage chamber masonry work.

For the coke oven with sectional heat storage chamber, we also need to pay special attention to the masonry order of the heat storage chamber wall and the checker bricks. We will adopt the method of segmented alternating masonry. Before each section of checker bricks is dry-laid, the sealing wall or partition wall of this section will be completed first, and the wall grooves will be thoroughly cleaned. During the dry-laying process of the checker bricks, we will be extra careful to prevent the refractory mud from falling into the checker bricks of the next section. Once the dry-laying is completed and the inspection is qualified, we will immediately cover the protective plate to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the entire heat storage chamber. This protective plate will be set firmly and tightly, close to the wall of the heat storage chamber, so as to effectively prevent the refractory mud from leaking into the checker bricks.


In short, through the above introduction, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the masonry process of refractory bricks in the coke oven heat storage chamber. In actual construction, we must strictly follow the construction specifications and design requirements to ensure the quality and safety of the masonry. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the details and precautions in the construction process to improve the construction quality and efficiency.