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Working conditions of refractory materials in various parts of the Mannheim reactor

During the production process of potassium sulfate in Mannheim, refractory materials in different parts are in different working conditions.

1. The refractory materials on the roof of the Mannheim reactor are undoubtedly the key components of the entire furnace body. The tasks they undertake are not just simple heat resistance. These materials need to face the continuous invasion of high-temperature furnace gas, and at the same time, they must withstand the chemical corrosion of acidic gases caused by long-term production of cross-flow in the furnace.

During the door opening gap of rake, inspection, and maintenance, the temperature in the reactor will also change over time. This temperature fluctuation has a certain impact on the thermal stability of the refractory materials. In addition, the strong radiant heat generated by the high-temperature furnace gas in the furnace is also a factor that cannot be ignored. It will cause additional thermal stress on the surface of the refractory materials.

What is more serious is that if the operation is improper, it is very easy to cause production accidents such as combustion chamber collapse. The combustion chamber is the place with the highest temperature in the entire reactor. At the point where the natural gas combustion flame is the most intense, the temperature can reach more than 1400℃. Such a high temperature is the biggest test for the furnace body refractory materials.

2. The refractory materials in the reaction chamber of the Mannheim reactor bear multiple and severe challenges. Their primary task is to resist the high-temperature flames generated by the combustion of natural gas (or coal gas). This flame has an extremely high temperature and places extremely high demands on the heat resistance of the material. At the same time, the expansion during each heating and cooling period is a repeated impact on the material. It is necessary to formulate a strict heating and cooling rate and require the operator to strictly implement it.

In addition, the high-temperature furnace gas in the combustion chamber constitutes a continuous high-temperature impact on the silicon carbide bricks on the top of the reaction chamber, and the high-temperature acid gas in the reaction chamber fills the entire reaction chamber, constantly impacting and corroding the furnace top and furnace wall of the reaction chamber. This dual physical and chemical effect greatly tests the durability and stability of the material. At the same time, bad operating habits also affect the materials of the reaction chamber, and also aggravate the damage and corrosion rate of the materials in the reaction chamber, especially near the conical barrel in the center of the reactor. Since sulfuric acid is not fully contacted and mixed with potassium chloride in this area, liquid sulfuric acid is easy to corrode the bottom of the furnace bed, causing severe acid infiltration at the bottom of the furnace. The expansion of the acid mud that penetrates into the bottom of the furnace causes the gap between the bricks to continue to increase, and the phenomenon of acid infiltration will become more and more serious. The refractory materials here are facing extreme challenges.

3. The refractory materials in the flue chamber of the Mannheim reactor play a vital role in the operation of the reactor. They not only need to withstand the huge pressure from the upper reaction materials, but also the high temperature baking of the waste heat flue gas. In addition, the flue chamber is the masonry foundation of the entire reactor, bearing the weight of the entire reactor of about 400 tons. The pressure caused by the weight is also a factor that cannot be ignored, which will cause physical damage and wear to the refractory materials. At the same time, corrosion such as high-temperature flue gas and acid penetration puts extremely high requirements on the corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance of refractory materials. The dual role in this state greatly tests the comprehensive performance of refractory materials. Therefore, for the refractory materials in the flue chamber and furnace bottom of the Mannheim reactor, they must have excellent structural strength, pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and pressure resistance. These comprehensive requirements for professional performance highlight the importance of these refractory materials in the operation of the reactor, as well as the rigor and professionalism of selecting and maintaining these materials. Requirements for refractory materials for the Mannheim reactor. The selection of furnace body materials is particularly important for the specific working conditions of refractory materials in various parts of the Mannheim reactor. In order to ensure the stable operation of the Mannheim reactor, we must carefully select refractory materials, and the first consideration is its refractoriness and load softening temperature. The level of these two indicators is directly related to the stability and durability of the furnace body in a high temperature environment.

During the operation of the reactor, the temperature change is strictly controlled, and low-temperature shock and rapid temperature rise are resolutely prevented. In addition, corrosion resistance is also crucial. The erosion of flue gas and acidic gas in the furnace is one of the main reasons for the damage to the furnace body. Therefore, the selected material must be able to effectively resist the erosion of such substances to ensure the long-term service life of the furnace lining.

The reaction heat of the Mannheim reactor comes entirely from thermal radiation, and the utilization rate of heat is relatively low. In terms of thermal performance, we expect the materials of the reactor to have a large heat capacity and certain thermal conductivity. This can not only improve the thermal efficiency of the furnace, but also help maintain the uniformity of the temperature in the furnace, thereby further improving the working stability and product quality of the reactor.

At present, the main materials used in the reactor body are modified high aluminum, silicon carbide, high aluminum and other materials. These three materials have excellent performance in refractoriness, corrosion resistance, heat capacity and thermal conductivity, and are ideal for ensuring the normal operation of the reactor. By carefully selecting and properly configuring these refractory materials, we can significantly improve the working efficiency and service life of the reactor.