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How to choose refractory ball for heat storage

Refractory balls are characterized by high strength, good thermal shock stability, large area of heat storage, and low resistance. Refractory ball can be used many times and has a long service life.


The highest use ratio of refractory balls is 50 and 60 in diameter, which are mainly used for hot blast furnace regenerators. There are also balls with diameters 20 and 30 that can only be used for filling. There are also refractory balls or corundum balls with a diameter of 80, which are used on the upper part of the regenerator of the hot blast stove. However, the ratio of corundum refractory balls used is not much.


Basically, more refractory balls with a content of 65% are used. This is because the hot blast stove regenerator is used in a large amount. But at present, hot air stoves over 550 cubic meters basically use perforated bricks, and stoves below 450 cubic meters are used more. There are also large furnaces in China that use balls for heat storage, including the Liugang family.

The refractory ball has a long service life, is convenient to replace, and the cost is relatively low. But how to choose when buying? First of all, from the appearance of the ball, if the color of the ball is white or red, the temperature has not been burned, this kind of ball cannot be used, because the various indicators are not met, and it is easy to form large clumps during use. Hundreds of balls stick together and affect the ventilation of the heat storage body. If the color is yellow-white and there is a crystalline phase, it indicates that the sintering temperature is high. The strength is good, and the thermal shock is stable.


It also depends on whether it is hand-made or machine-made. Generally, refractory balls with a diameter of less than 40 are made by hand. Because the mold cannot be formed, they are made by hand. However, for fire-resistant balls with a diameter of more than 50, hand-made balls are not as strong as machine-made balls. And the appearance is uniform. The line in the middle of the mechanism refractory ball is more obvious, that is the mold line. If it is manual, there is no line or the line is not obvious.

The other is to see whether the appearance of the refractory ball has black iron content attached to the surface, some are impurities in the raw material, and some are the reason why the ball is on the furnace wall during sintering. Those attached to the surface of the refractory ball cannot be used.