With the improvement of the float glass design level and the advancement of refractory material production technology, the float glass melting furnace is developing in the direction of large-scale and high-aging furnaces. At present, domestic float glass furnaces are generally designed for 8-12 years, while foreign high-level glass furnaces have reached 15-20 years. In addition to the gap between the technological level of furnace refractory production and foreign countries, the L-type The service life of the suspended wall is also an important "bottleneck" that restricts the age of the melting furnace.
The traditional L-shaped hanging wall nose area and the straight wall section are a whole, which cannot be dismantled and repaired, and can only be “one wall fixed for life”. According to the current domestic production level of L-shaped suspended walls, a traditional, well-configured L-shaped suspended wall can basically meet the service life of 8-12 years. Therefore, in order to extend the service life of the melting furnace, it is necessary to increase the service life of the L-shaped suspended wall and improve the structure of the L-shaped suspended wall. Therefore, a new design concept of suspended wall research and development is adopted, that is, the vulnerable part of the L-shaped suspended wall-the nose area, is improved into a replaceable suspended wall that can be locally repaired and replaced.
The selection of refractories in the nose zone is divided into the selection of refractories before and after replacement. Based on our years of research experience on suspended walls and research on the international advanced level of refractory materials for suspended walls, we have respectively determined the selection of refractory materials before and after replacement of replaceable suspended walls.